Earth Food Love Company - Magazine - Page 38
“As the growing season begins and progresses, it is essential to nourish
the soil. Just as humans require vitamins for optimal health, soil also
needs nutrients to support plant growth.
How Can You Nourish the Soil? Amendments are necessary; it’s important to enrich
your soil and promote healthier plant growth throughout the growing season.
One e昀昀ective method is to use compost that you create yourself. Grind your food scraps
into a sludge and pour it directly into the soil. You can also chop and drop – cut down
healthy plant material and leave it on the ground or dig it into the soil.
Plants also need a variety of essential nutrients to thrive – think N (Nitrogen),
Phosphorous (P), and Potassium (K). Di昀昀erent types of vegetables have varying nutrient
requirements based on their growth habits:
Root Vegetables: Carrots, beets, and radishes typically require a balanced supply of
nutrients but beneot signiocantly from phosphorus to promote strong root development.
Leafy Greens: Vegetables such as kale, chard, and lettuce nourish in environments rich
in nitrogen, which support lush leaf growth. This is the reason I gather co昀昀ee grounds for
my garden. Co昀昀ee grounds is a beneocial organic matter for enhancing soil health – particularly, the nitrogen levels in soil. Co昀昀ee grounds also contain Phosphorus, Potassium,
and other micronutrients such as magnesium, calcium, and iron.